It is necessary to create better professional career paths for our youth. This is crucial to meet the economic needs of Puerto Rico!

Futuro ConPR is an effort to promote economic development and contribute to the reconstruction of our archipelago. We are pleased to present a unique event focused on educating, guiding, and inspiring our youth toward the professional careers essential to the progress of Puerto Rico.

The event is scheduled for October 30, 2024, from 8:30 am to 2:00 pm. It will involve 1,000 11th and 12th-grade students, accompanied by teachers and 150 school counselors. We hope to have 3,000 students connect virtually from their schools or watch a recorded version of the event.

All attendees will witness panels where different topics related to the careers and skills necessary to create a stable, productive and self-sufficient Puerto Rico will be presented.

Middle and high school counselors will be provided content and tools to support mentoring students transitioning to post-secondary grades, also focusing on future careers.

Finally, we will have the presence of academic institutions so that students have access to information on how to apply to them and employers so that they can explore first job opportunities.

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